
Javascriptを使ってWebAPIを叩く方法。開発現場でよく使われるfetchを使います。 | How to hit WebAPI using Javascript

HTML <button id=”addBtn”><h3>Name</h3></button>
<ol id=”lists”>

Javascript const button = document.getElementById(“addBtn”)
const lists = document.getElementById(“lists”)
button.addEventListener(“click”, async function(){
const res = await fetch(“”)
const users = await res.json();

const list = document.createElement(“li”)
list.innerText =
こちらが今回学ばせてもらったしまぶーさんの動画です | Here is a video of Mr. Shimabu who learned this time

もっと深く学びたい人にはこちらもどうぞ。| For those who want to learn more deeply, this is also recommended.

キャリアアップに必要なスキルを取得しよう。| Get the skills you need to advance your career.

オンラインで受講ができるスクールですので、全国どこからでも。 | Since it is a school where you can take classes online, you can take it from anywhere in the country.

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